

The following conditions apply to access to and use of the site of Flying Dutch Flowers.

Copyright © Flying Dutch Flowers 2014. All rights reserved.

All copyrights and other intellectual property rights to all texts, sounds, images, software and other materials on this site are the property of Flying Dutch Flowers.

You are permitted to reproduce fragments of this site through printing them, downloading them to a hard disk, as well as distribute them to third parties, but in all cases only if it is for non-commercial, informative and personal purposes and on condition that the above copyright statement appears in all these reproductions. No reproduction or part of the site may be sold or distributed for commercial purposes or be changed or included in any other work or other publication or site, whether in the shape of a print or in electronic form, including its transmission to other sites.

References on the site to products or services do not constitute an offer for the sale or supply of that product or that service. Before a particular product or a particular service is purchased, detailed information about its availability and suitability must be obtained.

The information on this site is given in good faith, but should only be used for general information purposes. No rights can be derived from the information with respect to its reliability for specific purposes and no explanation or guarantee is given with respect to the correctness or completeness of this information. Neither Flying Dutch Flowers, nor its executives, employees or its representatives are liable for loss, damage or expenses that result from visiting or using this site or other sites linked to the site, including but not confined to loss of profits or consequential damage, incidental damage or consequential damage. We reserve the right to make changes and corrections to the site without prior notice, in a way we deem suitable and at the moment we deem suitable.

At various places in the whole site, automatic links can be offered to other internet sites that relate to a specific aspect of this site. Although Flying Dutch Flowers endeavours to refer to sites that are interesting for you, this does not mean that Flying Dutch Flowers is connected to these other sites or their owners, nor that its executives, employees or representatives are responsible or liable in any way whatsoever for these other sites or the information those sites contain.

The only information we gather and store when you visit the site is the address of the computer from which the page was accessed, the browser used (type and version), the pages that are visited and the date and time of the visit. This information is used to monitor the use of the site and facilitate further development of the site. The use of this information does not result in identifiable personal data being collected or stored. Whenever you contact us, we are entitled to store information that you send us, such as your name, postal address, email address, type of request and other information. This kind of information will be used to answer your request.

Warming people with flowers

We are ready for a challenge are you?


Where to find us?

Flying Dutch Flowers B.V.

Postbus 1020, 1430 BA Aalsmeer
Prunus 22, 1424 LD De Kwakel
Tel: +31 (0)297 352 942
Email: info@flyingdutchflowers.com

Direct contact?

Tel: +31 (0)297 352 888

Contact Flying Dutch Flowers